Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Do you know how to be a good looking person?

That is very simple as if you can apply some natural source on your face every day. In a week you can feel the difference.

Most of the women are facing the difficulty of emegence of pimples, black spots basically on the face. But, you can releived from them by applying some natural essences on the skin.

You can feel the ease of a blemish free skin by using them.

You can also practise below tips:
  • Put some pieces of CUCUMBER on your eyes at bed time. You will be experincing an immedaite relieve for your tired eyes.
  • Put some pieces of CARROT on the face for a better facial treatment.

almond oil is an excellent source of natural moisturizing agents. In case, you suffer from dry and itchy skin, massage your face and other exposed arms and legs with pure almond oil. This oil nourishes your skin and removes scars and blemishes. This is an excellent all the year around tonic. Use it regularly to find a smooth clear blemish free skin. This oil is also excellent for the cold weather, preventing dryness by providing moisture and essential nutrients. Look for commercial applications that contain almond oil, incase you look to buy skin nourishing creams or gels. Many modern cosmetics make use of this wonder food for better skin care.
Some common problems faced by many women and men is the emergence of pimples, black spots. black heads and itching on the facial skin and also on arms and legs exposed to the elements.
Some common foods that can be beneficial towards curing and treating these complaints, the natural way are available easily and cheap. Many commercial cosmetic applications also make use of these foods to be effective and safe.
Fresh juice of
apricots applied on the face for ten to fifteen minutes is an effective solution to itching and sunburns. This natural remedy also helps in reducing various rashes and eczema. Apply daily for 7-10 days to find effective relief.
Apply a paste of ground
drumstick pods and leaves mixed with fresh lime juice on the face. Rub gently and let it stay on for 10 - 15 minutes at a time. Continue daily once in the morning for 7-10 days and you will find pimples and black heads and black spots slowly but surely vanish. You will be pleasantly surprised to find clear smooth beautiful skin that glows and makes you look years younger. One quick solution to persistent pimples on the face is the application of raw garlic juice blended with fresh lime juice on them. This daily once a day application will remove and reduce the formation of face pimples rather quickly. However the application itself will sting and hurt a bit. So if you have the inclination and the motivation for a quick solution, do try this remedy for a quick fix.
A couple of common daily routines, that can be followed for maintaining a blemish free facial skin that shines with vitality and health are easily followed.
papaya pulp on the skin. This pulp rubbed gently on the face and the skin polishes the area, clearing it of all impurities that cause pimples, black heads and spots. This gentle polishing, once every two to three days, reduces the formation of pimples/acne and cleans the skin thoroughly making it glow.
The application of grated potatoes as poultice to treat skin blemishes, wrinkles, boils, pimples, acne, black heads is very effective and time tested. Use it once a week to find clean clear skin over the long term.
